Thursday, August 23, 2007

Are You Kidding Me?

I'm really beginning to think that we are just not meant to complete this adoption. I really try to stay positive and believe that this will all end with a little girl in our arms. But I'm not sure how many more roadblocks I can stand.
I just called our homestudy agency to verify that they've received our paperwork so that we can set up the update interview with our social worker. I'm glad I made that call because it looks they don't have the package containing about 90% of our documents. ARRGGHHH!!! She's sure they "misplaced" it and it will turn up. We're supposed to call back on Monday and check. If they can't find it, then we are going to need to track down all of the documents again. It's true that it won't be difficult for us to redo most of the paperwork, just a hassle really...but it's just the point of it.
I called Stu to tell him the news and he asked why I was laughing about it. I told him if I don't laugh about then I'll probably start crying and never stop.
How many more signs do I need???


Becky and Keith said...

Oh, no! What a nightmare! Sometimes it's so hard to understand why these roadblocks happen the way they do and when they do. I felt the same with collected a few docs for our dossier and so many times I wondered if I was doing the right thing. I really hope they find them - maybe even tomorrow so you don't have to wait until Monday to find out!

Shane & Marie said...

That is terrible. I hope they find all your documents by Monday!

Carey and Norman said...

You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Yes, the delays and unknowns make adoption so very hard. I do believe that God places our child in our hearts from the beginning so that we do pursue adoption and stick with it.

Many Blessings and lots of Prayers for your documents to be found soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry, Allison. :( The paperwork was really always the most stressful thing for us. I'd be throwing one king hell fit in your shoes.

Of course, even though it's irritating to hear, (but it's true), a year from now you'll have her in your arms, and you'll be thinking about how much longer you would have waited, and how many more roadblocks you would have hurdled...if you'd known you were waiting for **HER,** your daughter.

Funny how it all works out that way.

~ Joanna (who is still at Voldemort Inc.)

Deb said...

That's just plain awful! I really hope they find it and call you!

Glad you chose to laugh about it and I hope you still are.

Troy and Rachel said...

Oh my goodness - I hope they find the papers. I know what you mean about laughing instead of crying. Seems like lately everything has been tougher than usual - hang in there.

Amy said...

I hate road blocks and I can totally understand how you are feeling, laughing to keep from crying. This road block will make you stronger and is happening for a reason. As I tell myself, your child needs a little more time before meeting you...hence the road blocks. Hope they find your paperwork and this was just a pothole...

Janine said... very frustrating. I check and double check my packets a million times, double check the address and kiss it goodbye. I then certify mail it so I know it makes it there and it gets to them and then they misplace it..that's too much.

I agree with Joanna and Amy...keep your eye on the ultimate goal...bringing home your daughter and all of this paperwork, worry and waiting will be a distant memory.

Michael, Carrie, and S said...

I can't believe that! I'll be praying this weekend that they locate your papers so you don't have to redo all of them! This waiting gets so hard, but God put the desire on your heart for a little girl that is waiting for you right now in Astrakhan. I pray that you hear that she is off the database and ready for you very soon!

Sira said...

Hi I am Sira and I spoke to Stu when my dossier was first sent to Astrakhan in 2005. Unfortunatly with all of the delays and accredidation issues I excepted a referral in Vladivostok. My adoption took almost 2 years with CHI. I can't even tell you how many times I didn't think it was going to happen- but it did and I am the mother of a beautiful 2 1/2 year old boy (who is my monkey) and he was well worth the wait and you little girlwill be too.
Hang in there it will happen only with God's timing. You are in our prayers!

mommyto5 said...

Prayers to you I so know all these unexpected delays and roadblocks are very difficult.