Friday, July 20, 2007

One Little Monkey Jumping in the Bed...

He fell off and cut his head
Took him to the hospital and the doctor said
Four little stitches are needed in that head.

Yep. Just as I was starting a big post about our time with our interpreter and our adoption agency picnic, I heard a big thud from the bedroom were the boys were supposed to be taking a nap. Evidently the monkey had jumped out of bed and had a huge cut in his forehead. A quick trip to the ER and 4 stitches later, he is as good as new. It didn't slow him down a bit (I was really hoping for at least a day or two of more cautious behavior).
I'm actually shocked that this was our first trip to the ER for stitches with him. As active and busy as he is, we've been very lucky that this is the first big injury.
I'll try writing the original post sometime this weekend. After spending 2.5 hours at the ER, holding down a screaming 3-year-old, I am exhausted and going to bed.


Christen L said...

Aww. Sorry to hear that. Hugs to Monkey :)

JennStar said...

Oh no!!! I bet you are still sore from holding him down. WHen my oldest had stitches, I was sore for 3 days afterwards. LOL!! Glad all is well once again!

M- said...

Oh my goodness, I'm happy to hear he is ok. We haven't had to do stitches YET!

Michael, Carrie, and S said...

I'm sorry to hear he got hurt! I'm glad he is doing okay, and I hope he heals quickly!

Becky and Keith said...

Ohhhh... the poor little guy! He probably scared his little self! Maybe he'll learn not to jump on his bed a naptime? (hahaha! Now it's even more of a challenge!) Hope you were able to relax some this weekend...

Troy and Rachel said...

Glad the little monkey is okay!! Hope you enjoyed your time with company.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby. I think stitches is usually much harder on the parent holding the child down than it is on the child. I hope the monkey feels beter soon.

Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

Ouch! I could just picture you holding him down! I hope he is better soon!

We are taking Owen for his first labwork this week so we'll probably be holding him down too!

No more monkeys jumping on the bed, huh? I love that story/song, by the way, and thought your post was great!

I'm sure we have many ER visits in our future too. Owen already has matching bruises on each side of his forehead from bumping it all the time!

Take care of that little monkey and hope you are able to get some rest too.


Casey and Carra said...

Sorry to hear about your son getting hurt. I found you blog on CHI blog roll. We also live in KY and our agency is CHI Vietnam program. Best wishes.


Allison said...

Carra and Casey
Thanks for checking out my blog. Where do you live in Kentucky? Do you have a blog? I'd love to follow along on your journey!
You can contact me at